Friday, February 6, 2009

Baby Blankets

Here are a few flannel receiving blankets I've made to give to my friends. They're a yard and an eighth by the 42-45 inch wide fabric. I sewed a square in the middle so they'd stay together a little better. Not too crafty, but I did use my sewing machine so it counts, right?

Nursing Cover

Here is my most recent attempt at "craftiness". I used the two tutorials found here and here to create this nursing cover in hopes that I can use it in a few months when baby #2 arrives. There are a few modifications from the tutorials (I bought the wrong length of boning and was unwilling to pay an extra $1.60 to get the right amount so I used a 1/4 yard instead of a half). It only took about 4 hours to put the whole thing together. It felt pretty slow, but I watched the newer BBC Sense and Sensibility and some Martha Stewart while working on it so it was fun!